If you want more ammo, this is the ultimate available – and it works with our magwells.
Here at TF we’ve been looking at what’s needed to field a Canik Open racegun. The first item needed is a 170mm extension — because reloading is slow!
The Nydar 47
And you thought your C-More was cool. . .
Behold the “Nydar 47”.
A friend of the shop walked through the door the other day with this, the grandfather of all red-dot sights. In several ways, it’s basically an oversize C-more that doesn’t use batteries. My google-fu tells me this was patented and offered in 1945 as a shotgun sight (this one is mounted on a Remington 11). It’s a civilian offshoot of the first optical gunsights used on WWII fighters. Fragile, hard to zero, but it works. In normal lighting conditions, the reticle shows up remarkably well, and with no electronics involved whatsoever, I suspect it’s still as “bright” as when it was made — 70 years ago!
Canik Magwells Are Back!
Canik Magwells are back! A lot of you have been asking when we’d have BLACK Canik magwells back in stock. We got them in yesterday. QUESTION: We’ve had several customers ask for TUNGSTEN colored magwells. How big a deal is that to you?
Goliath Glock +20 Magazine Extension – New Videos
NEW! Goliath Glock +20 Basepad
GO BIG! PCC shooters, we were listening when you asked us for more! Our new +20 (51+1) kit isn’t just more capacity, it’s more strength, more durability, more features, and easier to clean — at a very competitive price! If you want “pro-level” equipment for PCC, you can’t do better than this!