Monday Custom Colors

Todays custom parts burnt bronze and OD green. Anyone notice that those two colors go really well together?

If these are your parts, they went in the mail this morning!

A New Gold for TF

We have finally decided on a new anodizer for our gold parts. Every anodizer has a different recipe for gold that ranges from antique gold to a very bright shiny gold. It’s impossible to match one anodizer’s gold to another. Our new gold is featured in the picture. It’s a bit darker than we had before, but, is a nice color that we hope to use for a long time. As we update a part to the new gold color, we will update the pictures of the part in our store.

A Great Stage

Tim Ramberg (winner of Overall, PCC) sent us this video of him running through this unique stage. For those shooters not from the Seattle area, Seattle has a monorail running down the middle of it. Very fun and unique stage!

#taylorfreelance #USPSA #PCC