Category Archives: Cannik

More Canik Love

More Canik love: Canik magwells in BRASS! 3X the weight of aluminum, a TF brass magwell absorbs recoil and balances out the TP9SF — giving it a much more “neutral” feel. (Most polymer-framed pistols feel “top heavy.”)

Max Canik Capicity!

MAX CANIK CAPACITY! Take your Canik mags all the way out to 27+1! If you want more ammo, this is the ultimate available – and it works with our magwells. Here at TF we’ve been looking at what’s needed to field a Canik Open racegun. The first item needed is a 170mm extension — because… Read More »

Canik Magwells Are Back!

Canik Magwells are back! A lot of you have been asking when we’d have BLACK Canik magwells back in stock. We got them in yesterday. QUESTION: We’ve had several customers ask for TUNGSTEN colored magwells. How big a deal is that to you?

Another New Part for Caniks

Ok Canik fans, we have another new part. Our new Canik +0 basepad is available for preorder. This part adds .85 ounces of weight to your magazine allowing for easier drop-away on reload. The extra length makes it easier to get a positive seating in the gun when loading. It works extremely well with our… Read More »

Canik TP-9 Magwells in Stock!

In living color. . . At last! All the parts and pieces for our Canik magwells arrived back from the anodizer(s) over the weekend. We’re shipping all four colors today and tomorrow. Robin snapped this photo of the parts on the assembly bench.  (